The Oh Cult Voodoo Shop in Live and Let Die (1973)

Alternate Live and Let Die Establishments

The Oh Cult Voodoo Shop in Live and Let Die (1973)

The “These are sold for rituals.” sign in the Oh Cult Voodoo Shop in Live and Let Die. (1973)…umm pretty sure those skulls are illegal

The Oh Cult Voodoo Shop, also known by its other absurd name to match its sign, For Rituals Only. 🙂

"For Rituals Only" in Live and Let Die (1973)

The Fillet of Soul club has been re-purposed as a seafood store, Fillet of Sole. 🙂

The Fillet of Soul club in Live and Let Die (1973)

"Fillet of Sole" in Live and Let Die (1973)